Canadian Institute of Sathya Sai Education

Excellence through Education in Human Values



The profound transformation effect of human values education on the academic achievements, social skills and emotional well-being of individuals has been amply demonstrated in schools, universities, govern­ments, businesses, hospitals, and community organizations around the world.

About 125 Sathya Sai Schools and 20 Institutes of Sathya Sai Education globally conduct training programs, seminars, and workshops.  In addition, many conferences, workshops, and seminars on SSEHV have been held around the world for the general public and for specialized groups such as the medical profession and financial sector.

In Toronto, a Sathya Sai School of Canada was established in 2000. The School balances academic excellence with character development in its teaching programs by integrating the five human values into all aspects of the Ministry of Ontario’s academic curriculum. The school has been rated #1 in Ontario by the Fraser Institute’s 2011 Report Card on Education. In 2003, the school initiated a Walk for Values to encourage self-transformation, and since then the Walk has been held in cities across North America and around the world. Since 2005, over 600 teachers and educationists have attended SSEHV seminars in Toronto.

The popular values-based program Dynamic Parenting has brought joy and growth to thousands of families in Canada. Through its 15-week workshops, it helps to enhance parenting styles, the spousal bond and the family nucleus by developing a more loving and harmonious home. It accomplishes these goals through interactive techniques that incorporate the human values in daily life.

The teachers at the Toronto School are trained and integrate the human
values into all aspects of the Ministry of Ontario’s academic curriculum

Some International highlights:

Institutes for Sathya Sai Education have been established in Africa, Australia, Europe, North and South America and Asia. SSEHV has been integrated into numerous schools around the world.

  • Africa: From the early 1990’s there was a rapid expansion of the SSEHV program in training and development in Africa. The Sathya Sai School in Zambia has been creating beacons of character out of 'social rejects' for close to two decades now. The first national results for Grade 9 produced a 99% pass rate with 30 distinctions, and in subsequent years there has been a 100% pass rate and over 50 distinctions. The Times of Zambia states, "The positive influence of Sathya Sai Education is unprecedented in the annals of education in Zambia. Sai Baba's education ideals as embodied in his human values-based approach in education are an eye opener to educationists in Zambia.” 

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    In addition to in-school delivery of the program, an extensive governmental initiative through the United Nations (UN-HABITAT) utilizes SSEHV to promote values-based water, sanitation, and hygiene education in African countries like Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Botswana and Mauritius.


  • Australia:  The Sathya Sai School of Australia is located at Murwillumbah,  A community SSEHV project that has also been widely recognised is the 'U-Turn' project for "at risk"  pupils in Gympie, Queensland.  An annual essay competition on human values for the Government primary schools in Sydney and Perth is widely subscribed.
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    The Federal Ministry of Education has acknowledged SSEHV programme as one of the 12 value-education vehicles in the State school system and is on the Government Education Department website. Workshops have been held on SSEHV programmes in a dozen Government primary and secondary schools.


    SSEHV classes are conducted in the islands of Fiji and New Zealand.

  • Europe: Since 1980 thousands of children throughout the UK have received SSEHV lessons in state and private schools. Almost 200 schools across the UK are known to have acquired SSEHV manuals provided by the Institute in UK. Many individual teachers have completed the six-day Foundation Training Course and are using the program in their own schools.
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    SSEHV Programs are also being conducted in Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

  • North America: USA - The SSEHV Foundation in USA was formed in 1983 with an Advisory Board of 15 professional educationists. More than 8,000 children and 2,000 teachers have been through this programme. SSEHV has been taught by trained teachers in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
  • South America: Across South America over 180 schools use the SSEHV program at different levels kindergarten, primary, secondary, and pre-university. Some schools are public, others private. In some areas SSEHV classes are given by adults and youth groups to children in the poorer communities.
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    Sathya Sai School, Arequipa, Peru
  • Asia: Thailand - ISSE Thailand has worked with the Ministry of Education and other government agencies in Thailand to introduce the Sathya Sai Human Values Program to over 60,000 teachers and educators.  They also conducted training in the United Arab Emirates to 1,500 teachers upon the invitation of the Minister of Education and trained over 10,000 teachers in the Philippines on education in human values.
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    SSEHV Programs are conducted in Nepal, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and Korea

  • India: Sri Sathya Sai University with three campuses at Anantapur, Bangalore and Puttaparthi is integrating ethics and values as the undercurrent in the programs taught at the University. Training in Human Values for teachers and professionals in different fields is given at the Institute of Sathya Sai Education in Mumbai and the Sri Sathya Sai International Centre for Human Values in New Delhi. Hundreds of schools run by municipal authorities and by private management are implementing SSEHV program in various states of India. A web-based Vidya Vahini program aimed at integrating values in an innovative way into the rural and semi-urban schools e-curriculum was introduced in 2010.
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    Sri Sathya Sai University in Puttaparthi, India has a most modern well equipped campus and provides integrated education. The University received an "A++" rating by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission of India).

  • Middle East: In Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), conferences on Human Values have attracted hundreds of teachers from schools and universities, along with leading local luminaries including the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Prof. Reynold Macpherson, Chancellor of Abu Dhabi University, who stated in his message, “Education in Human Values is the ultimate in education and the future of the world. I will readily give my auditorium in the newly coming up campus to hold EHV seminars in the future and also I will involve all my teaching faculty and students.” In 2005, ISSE (Thailand) conducted a seminar at Sheikh Zayed University, for 100 principals and teachers from schools in Dubai and over 250 students.
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    Source: Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education

    Links to other Institutes and Projects around the world.

    I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
    ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

    Human values should be taught to the children right from the Primary School level because they are the future leaders of the nation. Parents and teachers should strive hard to inculcate ideals in them.
    ~ Sathya Sai Baba, November 25, 2000

    Without virtue, there can be no happiness in this world.”
    ~ Benjamin Franklin

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    Only then will it be possible tolead a well-regulated and disciplined life.

    - Sathya Sai Baba

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