Canadian Institute of Sathya Sai Education

Excellence through Education in Human Values


CISSE welcomes schools which would like to adopt SSEHV as part of their character education program. 
As a public service for interested schools, CISSE provides training, in-services, program materials, and on-going support and assessment to maximize success.  

The Director of CISSE will meet initially with school administration to discuss the needs of the school and how these needs can be met in the best interests of administrative personnel, teachers, parents and students.  If there is mutual agreement, a Memorandum of Understanding will be formalized to establish a partnership.
Principals of interested schools can contact: for more information.


A team from CISSE spent a delightful day at the school observing EHV lessons by volunteers Usha and Paul Kapoor (back row, centre). This was followed by a presentation on SSEHV to Principal Ms. C. Seguin (back row, extreme right) and Character Education Coordinator, Ms. Deborah Smith (back row, second from left)



Students from Eamer's Corner Public School, Cornwall preparing for a Walk for Values
The students not only practice values but created awareness in the community to adopt values!

From the Principal of Eamer's Corner Public School, Cornwall, ON

Over the past five years the students and staff of Eamer's Corner Public School have benefited greatly from the dedicated skills and talents of Paul and Usha Kapoor (volunteer teachers of SSEHV). From KG to Gr 6 the children learn wonderful stories and songs to help them learn about right living.  They provide instruction and practice in silent sitting which has given many students the ability to focus and pay attention to their day in a better manner…..

The teachers have observed a few of the children, who were feeling anxious, using the meditation techniques they have learnt to calm and relax their minds.  This is one example of times throughout every day where teachers and children use what they are learning to find quiet and peace, which allows them to better resolve conflict and show each other caring and respectful human values………

When children sing the (values) songs during assemblies, it is evident they not only know the songs, but enjoy singing them. 

There has been a significant reduction in the number of conflicts and incidents on the playground and while the data cannot be statistically linked, it is our belief that the values program has significantly contributed to the decline.

This partnership has been, and continues to be, one that is a huge part of the school community.  The hope and dream for the next step is to provide Dynamic Value Parenting Program to even further share the values education and skills in the community.  There is such opportunity to create a better world, one filled with love, truth, right conduct, peace and non-violence.

From the Principal of Central Public School, Cornwall, ON

This dynamic program consists of relevant character education stories which effectively outline and reinforce the importance of these traits to the students. To help foster student engagement and increase relevancy, the Kapoors (volunteer teachers) include songs based on values and character – a strategy our students have both embraced and love.  …I thank them for being true partners in education and champions for our youth.

From the Principal of Pleasant Hill Community School, Saskatoon, SK

Using a value-based program called EDUCARE, this past year, Kumudini (volunteer teacher) has worked alongside our culture/language teacher (K-8).  Lessons centered on such values as patience, respect and obedience, which are all also Tipi Teachings that are used as part of the character development of our students.  The cross-cultural connections made through these teachings, strengthens the learning experience… We look forward to a continued partnership.

Note: These “partnerships” will be formalized in the near future and we invite other Schools to write to us for any assistance. There is no fee for this service.


Posters on Values prepared by students at Cornwall
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Education should be useful to society. It should make citizens follow the path of morality and righteousness and make their lives happy.

- Sathya Sai Baba

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